Sunday, December 28, 2008

D.C. Unforgettable

I’m in Washington D.C. at my sister’s house. Part of our “pre-trip” preparation was to plan to visit some of our tax-paying dollars in the form of one of the many federal museums. I, being a history buff, (and by “history buff” I mean “someone who likes to see interesting and possibly inspiring artifacts like George Washington’s wooden dentures and Mr. Rogers’ red cardigan sweater”) suggested such classic historic warehouses like the Smithsonian, the National Gallery of Art, and Madame Tussauds Wax Museum.

So it was when someone suggested we visit a stressful and serious depository of historical artifacts like the Holocaust Museum I nearly shot Diet Coke ™ out of my nose with laughter. “How funny!” I told Meghan later. “Ha, ha, ha! They think we’d want to go there.” “But, Mom,” was her response, I do want to go; I think it’ll help us work on ‘Underground.’”

Great. All these years living of with me and my daughter still somehow managed to develop depth and a social conscience. Where did I go wrong? “Um, yeah. We’ll see,” was what I croaked. “There’s not enough Diet Coke ™,” is what I thought.

Well, obviously, there IS enough Diet Coke. On Thursday, Kev, Megh, and I ventured through East Coast traffic and the maze that is D.C. to Raoul Wallenberg Drive where we found…the museum and not a parking place for 12 city blocks. Kevin, the undaunted male-type hunter that he is, circled the area like a hungry barracuda prowling, waiting, and mentally willing a vehicle to leave and make way for him to park near the building. (It should be noted that even a human bladder has limits when it comes to prowling, waiting, and willing metal-based inanimate objects to make way for my own personal inanimate object…) Fortunately, Kev’s mental mojo worked and we parked without incident or accident.

Distressingly, the entrance to the Holocaust museum was blocked by a line of strangers. At first I was hopeful that Kev would get discouraged and offer to buy me a Starbucks instead…but no, it was just the metal detector line; and 7 minutes 45 seconds later I found myself in the middle of a place I swore I’d never go. I’d like it to be known that the reason I didn’t want to go to this particular place was not because I have something against this museum…(I think everyone should witness the historic horror so they don’t)…I traditionally avoided the place because I’m a coward and feared I’d end up carried out on a stretcher curled up in a fetal position, howling and sobbing.

But I walked, on my own power, through all three floors which even included a brief ride in a packed elevator. I watched almost all the media and read most of the signage.


1)The information on Hitler’s rise to power and his philosophy was impressive including the video on anti-Semitism which had a lengthy discussion of Jesus Christ.

2)The tact with which they showed the atrocities was commendable; they offered the most disturbing media positioned so that small children and those who would rather not observe the images safe and sound (I watched all of them, I want you to know).

3)The desire for people to not lose sight that the millions of people who suffered under this atrocity was made up of individuals was remarkable and admirable.
I made it through and avoided very little. To me, it is a sign of my further healing.

We drove home in late afternoon traffic, mostly in the heart heavy silence that accompanies such knowledge and grief. Well, Megh and I were quiet. Kev was irritated by the “too many” others sharing his road and the GPS who didn’t direct him to the empty HOV lane. We must never forget.

And now, I’m watching football and having a glass of wine while Denver is getting trounced. Meghan and Kevin are playing video games. Life is back to normal.

And then I read this: "Dictator Stalin voted third most popular Russian in Recent Poll." See for your yourself.

We MUST. Never. Forget.

(Mostly) Speechless at:

Holiday Cheer? I THINK NOT!

I am stressed. It's as a direct result of a To Do List. It is a large list. One might consider it massive. I tried to guiltify my mom and sister into helping me work on said list, however, my mother...a wise woman but unaware of her duty to her grown children...refused saying (and I quote), "It won't matter, you'll add more to it faster than we can accomplish." I ask you, dear reader, what good is a mother if she won't help you maintain your co-dependent ways?

Frankly I would be a lot better off if I lacked the needus-to-accomplish gene that produces this incessant need to make lists of all the things one thinks of that needs doing in one's life and the lives of those around one.

My husband, Kevin, before he was my husband, almost didn't reach husband status because he made fun of my list-making. "Made fun" here means to post ridiculous things like "go to the bathroom" and "breathe" on my "Things To Do To Graduate" List back in the '80s.

OK…I know…so my list is long and isn’t getting any shorter during this whinefest. So what am I going to do about it?

I think I shall do three things:

1) I shall check my email.
2) I shall compose it on a scrap of paper and shove it into my cavernous purse.
3) I shall offer you an interesting video that I just found while pretending to work on the aforementioned list.

Sigh ...It’s a list about a list concerning lists. I might be hopeless…
Here’s the video I promised.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Ar-teest? Or Alien Invader?

As another example that my daughter, Meghan, might possibly be an alien life form or an upgraded android is her approach to cookie making.

Last week we were making our typical Gingerbread Cookies. And equally typically, I rolled out the dough and Megh was to cut the cookies out.

I dutifully rolled the dough out and then ran off to accomplish another holiday task. When I got back about a half hour later, I found my non-task oriented daughter painstakingly carving tiny details into a cookie model of our house.

Please let me emphasize that she cut out ONE cookie in the time it takes a typical holiday special to play its opening theme song, have and a solve its crisis AND pimp itself and 6 other products. In the same amount of time I can roll, cut, and bake nearly 50 hearts, stars, and angels.

To illustrate...

If this is my gingerbread house:

Then this would be Meghan's:

She's an artist living in a "get 'er done" world.

You might want to pray for her at:

Sunday, December 07, 2008

I'm Full Of Cheer

Can't you tell? (Click on image to get full globulescence.)

I will never look at purple, slimy, fecal-shaped things the same again at:

Worked All Week to Publish the Cookbook

And I feel great! (Click Picture for Full Effect Close Up.)

These claws are the fastest in the ocean. And yes, my eyes are crossed, why do you and your identical twin ask?

I Dare You To Be My Friend at:

Saturday, November 29, 2008

A Radio Moment!

I did an interview a while back. While I finish this confounded Recipe Book (I'll tell you more about that later) please enjoy this from Erin Campbell and Water Through the Word.

I tried to imbed the really cool ad they did...but I can't and I've spent over an hour fiddling with this...I need to be finishing the cookbook...I will be whining a LOT about this later!

I'm So Grateful for Opportunities Like This Even If They Are A Bit Stressful and Then Trying to Upload It Onto My Blog Makes Me Crazy at:

Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Binary-Codz

My daughter purchased “Rock Band 2” several days ago. We finally set it up tonight. There were several reasons for the delay, one of which was that it’s nearly Christmas and I was considering commandeering it for a Christmas gift for her. My husband felt that this was not a good idea because Christmas is about surprises and she already knew that she had this so it couldn’t be a Christmas gift. (OK…That explains some of the scary gifts I’ve received during the past 25 years, although I’ve loved every one of them!) I didn’t have the heart to tell him that she’d been helping me pick out her own gifts since she was four. However, the real “bug in the ointment” as it were, was that she had paid for it. All by herself. With birthday money she’d received in June. Being an astute reader you probably thought, “Hey, if she already paid for it, and you are keeping it from her, then you are stealing.” You’re wrong, and if you keep that up you’ll lose your “astute reader” status…I didn’t steal it. I was…um … protecting it while it became acclimated to our house… atmosphere…because we live on a hill….

The other glaring reason that I did not want to open the Rock Band Monster is that…you may have experienced this yourself…upon careful observation (I mean here that Meghan pointed it out to me) I came to realize that it has three instruments and thus the immediate opportunity to humiliate up to three people at a time. Not to beg the issue too much; Meghan is an only child. If you do the math, that means two more “instruments” would need “filling” by “someone.” The “someone” that instantly came to mind as I stood in Sam’s looking at the box, is well over 40, never played any of the potential “instruments,” and is terminally Caucasian, which here means that each molecule making up this person’s body has a crucial bit of DNA that not only doesn’t provide rhythm but actually sucks up anything that might seem like rhythm and ejects it from the body—by force, if necessary. And, honestly, there are days when I feel really sorry for Kevin because of it. OK…I’m just kidding in that Kevin’s not the only rhythmically-challenged middle-aged person in the house. But I color my hair, so you can’t tell.

So, last night, sure enough, I was coerced into “participating.” She named us the "Binary-Codz." I got the mic because Meghan wanted to be a guitar hero and Kevin was a guy which somehow meant he was best qualified to play drums. I will not give you the gory (and I use this word with kindness and accuracy here) details, but let it be said that my nephew was “listening in” on Megh’s headset as I wailed away on “Spirit In the Sky” and his only comment was, “Who is that…singing?”

Just wait until we get “Jesus, Take the Wheel” at:

Monday, November 17, 2008

GRRRRR! I Have Two Vicious Deadlines

And my co-op "friends" keep reminding me how many days before Christmas ("How Many Days Before Christmas" here means they take great joy in viciously keeping track of how fast said days are evaporating! But just know that I'm NOT going to display a banner that says painful things like "Did you know there's only 38 days before Christmas and you're not ready" before you had enough Diet Coke with which to cope with such stressful news. Personally, I use Diet Coke to deal with many of life's stressful announcements like, "I have to go out of town," and "It's Monday," and "It's morning." Another "stress" is the people who have been living in my basement have, in the last several days, moved out, which, for some inexplicable reason immediately caused the upstairs of my house to totally blow out ("blow out" here means laundry bombs bursting, dog hair regeneration experiments gone bad, and spontaneously generated dirty dishes randomly appearing all over the kitchen) and I can't clean it yet because I have two gnarly deadlines and Christmas is barreling down at me (I realize this, as previously mentioned because of my helpful "pals"!

So...I must give you some other curiosities so as to fill your cranium void with useless information until I have a moment (hopefully in a few days) do accomplish the task personally.


The Ebay Find of the Day:

It started at $500. It sold for $226,521.

Read about it here.


The Question of the Day...

Is this real or is it Photoshop?

Check out the National Geographic (Motto: We Said It So It Must Be True) article here:

And finally:

Keep Track of How Old The Internet Is.

Serving Me Up a Boatload of Blogging Junk Food...You Don't Have To Thank Me at:

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Holidays Already?


Now get off my lawn!

I'm Not Getting Older, I'm Just Getting Crabbier at:

Friday, November 14, 2008

It's History Time

But Will It Help Megh Pass History? at:

Just In Time For Caturday!

Here's the reason your printer no longer works:

No Wonder My Cat Looks Like She Needs Valium at:

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


As you are most likely aware, Kevin can't decide whether to stay clean shaven or grow his beard back. Please go here and Vote. This is NOT a democracy so feel free to vote often. Daily, if you think it will help.

This is almost worse than that other little election we just had. I say this because my sweet husband is driving me crazy asking me if he looks younger without it. What can I say? After over a decade of face fuzz, it's taking me a while to get used to it...and besides, I thought men were more secure in their male genderness to worry about such a thing as gray hair whether on the face or elsewhere.

To assist you, let me show you what the blog in question looks like...

Don't be shy, it's my sanity at stake!

It'll Be Over in a Couple Weeks, Won't It? at:

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

For My Art Students

Mr. Picasso Head

Now you can Waste! Time! AND Be! Creative! If you're lucky, you can even call it "school."

You can see my latest attempt by looking up "mjoy."

I Am A Virtual Artist, Fer Sure at:

Ever Feel...

that that "time of the month" is the only time when you can really be yourself?

Me, too.

Disagree with me and die at:

Monday, November 10, 2008

The Next World Dictator?

If so, I welcome our new adorable overlord at:

Sunday, November 09, 2008

I Have Nothing Clever To Say Tonight

Instead, I'm offering some Seasonal Entertainment in the way of:

1) Punkin Carving (So I'm late, It's still fun.)


2) Christmas Cookie Decorating(So I'm Early. Geesh you can never please some people!)

Me, I couldn't help stabbing the gourd (in a creative, non-violent manner, of course)at:

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Humanity Is Doomed!

It's a Skunk! It's a Squirrel! It's a Skunquirrel!

OMG...It's stench that can climb!

What Will Be Next...I Shudder to imagine, but send your ideas to: or leave a comment! We'll make it a Brave! New! World!


Check this out! A new phone! BETTER THAN THE iPhone!

You need to check out ALL the options on this little beauty!

It's called a Pomegranate phone.

I'm calling it POMporn at:

It's Physics! It's A Game!

It's The Assembler and it's addictingly maddening.

Why must I be as virtually clumsy as I am in real life at:

Friday, November 07, 2008

Voting Goes To The Dogs


I mean it.

Click here, and rejoice.

Yes, Rabbit Hash is in Kentucky, Thanks for Asking at:

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Cake Mix Cookies

To aid in Election Recovery, I offer this simple recipe given to me by the Cook Family. (Thanks, ya'll!)

Easy to make and inexpensive,they taste like birthday cake (especially the vanilla ones)!

Cake Mix Cookies

1 cake mix
2 eggs
1/2 C veggie oil

Combine ingredients and mix well. You can add other ingredients like nuts, raisins, chocolate chips, sprinkles. Drop teaspoons of dough onto an ungreased cookie sheet, spacing two inches apart. Bake at 350 degrees for 8 to 10 minutes.



With one election over, we can now focus on this one.

It's not too late.

I, For One Am Voting Early and Often at:

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

You Want Me To Do it WHEN?

I voted. At 6 am. I did not intend to vote before God got up. My plan was to gently awaken at 8, do my usual “routine,” and saunter in around 10 am, after the morning rush, vote, then possibly traipse to Starbucks for a celebratory Chai Tea Latte, Venti.

But. No. At 5:45 Kevin’s alarm goes off and he says, “Wake up! We’ll beat the rush and vote when the polls open.” I tried to convince him that the polls would be packed by people stopping by on their way to work and that the really sane people wait until later. But it probably came out “ashgniw ssdfo iucnw ef vlksdf. Pot sdf b dsfsdfg ummmmsmmmgrrrrrumph” because, let’s be frank, I was delirious.

However, I did my wifely duty and got out of bed to accompany my husband, as I have at least one other time that I can remember, to vote. I wanted to stay in my jammies in protest. But I didn’t. I wanted to grab a diet coke as I stumbled out the door. I didn’t. Looking back I should have stayed in my jammies, got a diet coke, AND my pillow, a folding chair and my laptop…

As I predicted, the polls were packed. “Packed” in this instance means that out of the 17,000 people currently living in Spencer County, Kentucky, over half wanted to vote before 7 am.

You don’t need a play-by-play but let me just say it took over an hour to complete the entire process. Without a diet coke. I don’t think I can stress this enough.

My sister just called. She lives in Washington, D.C. It took her a total of 15 minutes to vote, counting the 10 minutes in travel time there and back. Either 10 am is the “sweetspot” for voting nirvana, or the citizens of D.C. are anti-American scum. That’s all I’m saying.

I'm thrilled to have the privilege to participate in my country but I would have liked to have been awake

Glad I Voted. Even More Glad That God’s In Charge at:

"Punkin" Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

By Popular Demand!

"Punkin" Chocolate Chip Cookies

2 C sugar
1 1/2 C butter (I'm sure margarine would work, too)
1 can (16 oz) pumpkin
2 eggs
2 tsp vanilla
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
2 tsp cinnamon (I use heaping)
1 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp allspice (I've used clove in a pinch)
4 C flour
raisins, nuts, or chocolate chips

Cream together sugar and butter.
Add pumpkin, eggs, vanilla. Beat well.
Add each dry ingredient and stir.
Drop onto greased cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 12-15 minutes.


While in Romania, Kev shaved off his goatee. He now wants people to VOTE whether his shaven-ness makes him look old.

Click Here.

Feel free to stretch your Freedom of Speech till it squeals at:

Sunday, November 02, 2008

They Are Here! They Are Here!

Let me put to rest one of looming concerns of the trip back: The camera is fine. Got here without a hiccup. Oh and the people got home safe as well.

I greeted them at the gate…they all looked a little road weary. And rightly so…they’d been awake for nearly 24 hours and in the air well over half of that. Kev lost his goatee on the trip…I had seen pictures but it was a shock to see him in real life. Changes his whole appearance…after a decade of scruff…I have to get used to it.

Everyone split at the gate…Richie caught a ride with Cassie and Tyler (who arrived in a suit and with roses! We all decided that it was adorable…I showered, I want you to know…and I had punkin chocolate chip cookies waiting at home…so I felt like I should have gotten a few points for that.)

At home I looked at 5,000 pictures and watched the unpacking process. I started to hear all of the stories…I tell them to you later.

They were in bed by 11:30. I asked Megh what she learned on the trip. She said… “Communication is the key to everything…and just because you speak the same language doesn’t mean you understand what you are hearing. It was bad communication that got the camera in the wrong place…and we were in America! But in Romania, we had to take extra time to make sure we understood what people were saying to us…It’ll make filming there a special challenge.”

“The film thing I learned was that scouting for locations doesn’t mean looking for places to actually film at. It’s often looking for styles and feelings, and then we figure out how we can take all of those things and make a place or change a place into the best place for that scene. It’s a lot more complicated than I realized, but it makes a lot of sense.”

Wow. School was in session the whole time.

I’ll post the Punkin Chocolate Chip cookie recipe hopefully tonight.

Off to Hug My Fam Again at:

Saturday, November 01, 2008

The Challenge of Re-Entry

It’s started again…spouse has been gone for a while. Other spouse carries on fine. First spouse prepares to come home. Irritability strikes.

I hesitate to even mention this. I’m afraid you’ll think I’m a bad person. Maybe I’m showing the level of dysfunctionality in my own personality and/or relationship. I think I’m afraid that, perhaps…deep down, we’re really, unlike Kev’s assertions to the contrary, the only ones who struggle with a family member’s “re-entry” home.

I sure hope not. I hope you are as wacko as me…The more I think about it, it’s your duty, really. I’m sure it says something in the Bible about it…about all being wacko…or is it concerning sanity: “no, not one”?

Anyway…I’m tired of the stress and upheaval upon Kev’s arrival. So I’m going to try something new: I’ve been told about a simple marriage prayer. You can find it here. You’ll have to scroll down and click on the woman holding the card to make it legible. I just started today…but maybe this will center me better…

I think I must have expectations…maybe of how I should be treated or what Kev should do because I’m so wonderful to stay behind. Or maybe I want him to instantly help me because my “holding down the fort” skills quit at electrical, automotive, and plumbing crisii. Or maybe it’s just that I get into a rhythm… my personality really likes patterns and regularity. And when Kevin Bryan shows up… it’s like I’m sent into a flexibility earthquake that keeps me on my toes and guessing. Certainly being flexible is a wonderful thing…but once my nice little schedule gets into a groove it’s irksome to get it out again. And worse of all: maybe my expectations are completely “reasonable” to me…but totally unreasonable to everyone else on the planet and thus I suffer from irritability at the cellular level. (That smacks of a “victim mentality,” doesn’t it? Hmmmm… Cellular Irritability… I need to remember that…)

Well there you go…my confession for you on this beautiful Saturday. The team should be arriving in Minneapolis any minute. You might want to pray for them as they head into the final stretch…I’d love a prayer or two so I can make their homecoming The! Best! Evah!

I’m Also Making Punkin Chocolate Chip Cookies To Hedge My Bet at:

Post-Halloween Diversion

James Kuhn is one Freaky dude. He paints his face. I mean, like, in a manner that could be called "stunning."

Check him out yourself here.

Glad My Hobby Is Sewing at:

Friday, October 31, 2008

The Last Day...for this craziness...

Today was mostly uneventful…if you believe Kevin’s report. They did interviews at a cool house. They took Craig to the airport. They had a leisurely lunch at a historic building that has very high ceilings and lots of interesting (and probably historic) decorating. They went shopping. They are back at the hotel and need to pack, shower and sleep.

They have to leave for the airport at 4 am Bucharest time, which is 11 pm my time. It’s now 1 am my time…7am Bucharest time…They are one their way home!

Don't get me started on what time it is in Australia! at:

One Man's Crib, Another Man's Palace

I missed their first call today…it came early and I was walking where there was no cell signal. Kev’s message said, “met with a set builder today and the visited Ceausescu’s house and rummaged around his home for a few hours. I guess that would be like going through the Saddam Hussein of Eastern Europe’s home…palace actually. We also went to a forest. Got to run for dinner. Bye!”

There are several names for Ceausescu’s “digs.” “The Palace of the Parliament,” the “House of Ceausescu” and the “People’s Palace.” Apparently to the Communist Leader Nicolae Ceausescu, the “people” in the “People’s Palace” were him and his wife…There’s really no good way to describe the size and grandeur of the place, according to Kev. Megh and Richie deem it “ginormous.” She said it had everything…a swimming pool, priceless artwork, a movie theater, a stadium, at least three levels of basement, separate bedrooms for Nic and his wife Elena, parliament…everything a crazed dictator might want in a building, except a bowling alley. Elena must have been afraid those heavy balls would chip the marble.

Kev and Megh said it was stunning how huge the place was. The Ceausescu’s had bedrooms on separate ends of the building…which is like sleeping at opposite ends of the Pentagon. In fact, due to my intrepid research abilities, (here meaning 15 minutes on Wikipedia, that paragon of fact and accuracy), the Palace of the Parliament, as it is officially called is the second largest government building, bested only by the Pentagon, and the heaviest…I’m not sure how they figured out the Palace was the heaviest, but from the looks of it, why not?

Kevin wanted to see Ceausescu’s room…and was told that Michael Jackson slept and/or sat on the daybed in the room adjacent. Of course…Kev sat there as well. I can’t wait to hear how he spins the story of “Michael Jackson and him in the same bed….” You heard it first here.

Kev tried to finagle permission to spend the night in the building…there are plenty of rooms after all…and the lady in charge seemed about to acquiesce, but Cassie, I’m sure sensing what mischief the boys would do racing around on marble floors late at night in socks, nixed it. She probably saved them from prison or something…I only say this because I know my husband and his curiosity…he would have crawled through every inch of that place looking for goodies and treasure.

BTW: this was not the only crib of Nicolae and Elena’s. According to reports he owned over 15 luxury palaces around Romania…which isn’t bad on his salary of $3,000 a year. They even owned another palace in Bucharest, the Primaverii Palace, to act like their storage unit. Among other things, it had one room devoted entirely to Elena’s fur coats, another for Nicolae’s suits, tuxedos, and hunting outfits…etc. (gag me!) etc.

Of course this monstrous obscenity was near virtual hovels where the rest of Romania’s “comrade’s” lived.

What happened to the “Common” of “Communism”? Oh yeah, it never existed! at:

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Totally Awesome Time-Waster

Because it's Thursday and you need a break.

Click Here.

You're welcome.

I'm rather addicted myself at:

Romania Film Making...Will We Look Good Enough?

They were in meetings all day with the film company and a representative from the Embassy.

There are the highlights:

Apparently, according to Kevin, to “fit” into the film industry in Romania you need to have a ponytail…the Assistant Director, the Key Grip, and the Director all sport one. “Fit” here means, and I’m just guessing, to look European, artistic and cool. That won’t be a problem for Shane and Cassie…and, by definition, even Megh could get in on the “I’ve got a ponytail so I can work in film” action. But Kevin…he hasn’t ever had longish hair let alone enough that can be pulled together with a rubber band…what will his mother think? What will my mother think? Personally, I think he’d look cute…I’ve been trying to get him to grow his hair out for years…maybe now he’ll do it…just envision him with a braid down his back and a little earring…OK maybe not the braid (aack!).

The Romanian director also sports a black cowboy hat…from casual research we know that Richard Rodriguez, director of movies like “Spy Kids,” also wears a black cowboy hat…I’m sensing a trend here… We better start looking for one just in case it is the Official Headgear For Professional Filmmaking. I don’t want Shane to be shunned.

The meeting at the Embassy was just to introduce themselves. The Secretary of Cultural Affairs seemed rather bored with them until Kev presented her with some Authentic Kentucky Bourbon Balls. Her face lit up and she said, “I drink! So this is good!” Authentic Kentucky Bourbon Balls: Diplomacy’s New Secret Weapon. Don’t leave home without some.

The team also went to a film shoot to observe how this particular company functions, in this case it was shooting a commercial using a steadicam and actual film. When the camera dude found out they planned to shoot Hi Def Digital he groaned, “You guys will wear me out!” When asked why he said, “With film we have to stop to change magazines…but with digital you never quit. I run all day long!” Another example of the striking differences between the types of media.

That’s it…the studio said they know of actors and actresses who can look emaciated and prison-camp-like, tanks can be procured, the sound stage is large enough for various prison interiors.

Now the team is trying to figure out what it will cost them to do this movie and what they will need to do it well. I can’t wait to see what they come up with.

BTW: They ate at Pizza Hut…and Megh had the Best! Pizza! Evah! And she says that Discovery Channel is the only one in English, so I should count her television viewing as “Science.”

I can't wait for them to come home at:

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I Shoud Have Pesto'd!

I heard it was going to freeze but was too snotty to realize that my Basil was in danger. Drat those 10 pounds of mucus sloshing in my head!

I shall Pesto again another day(it'll actually be next year)at:

Mucus-Coated Report

My advice: don’t touch the screen as you read this…the cold germs that are attacking me have probably followed this link and are, right now, pulsing and plotting to find a way into your home and up your nose.

Even so, I have news to report so I shall risk it…you’ll recover, and besides Knowledge is Power, and all that.

Their visit to the Black Sea was beautiful and too short. In case you’re wondering, the Black Sea is “kind of” salty. This came as a surprise to me and I report, of course, not from experience… since I am writing this in the comfort of my bed and not from a lovely deck chair on the beach. No, this information has been collected using my keen mind, gifted fingers, and high speed internet. And now I feel the need to pass said information on and you are The! Lucky! Winner!

Actually, it was Shane who prompted me…Kevin said he dipped his finger into the sea and tasted it to see if it was salty. “That’s crazy!” I shot back. “There’s no way! It’s inland! It’s freshwater! The connection to the Mediterranean is too small!” SideNote: I’ve learned that when I respond with such confidence about something so obvious, I’m usually wrong. And so I was…The Black Sea is salty…apparently the various straights and stuff that connect it to the Mediterranean are deep…allowing sea water to flow into the Sea near the bottom while freshwater from the incoming rivers flow on top. Eventually they either are shaken or stirred. There is also scientific opinion that the Black Sea originally was only fresh water (I’m Vindicated!) but became salty from a massive flood that forced seawater into the basin. Gee…If we only knew of a globally catastrophic event that covered the world with water…

They visited yet another maximum security prison…this time full of juveniles of the male gender. These boys were not as discrete or polite as the adult prisoners from previous facilities. I know this because Megh said that she “felt like a piece of meat at the super-market.” She felt stared at and then something was shouted as the group left…Megh said she was sure it wasn’t “Have a Blessed Day” in Romanian. I’ll be happy to give you details…as soon as I finish signing her up for a Lethal Karate and Sniper course, or something similar.

Their next tour was around the Danube Canal. This little project was started in 1949 after the communist took charge…tens of thousands of people were forced to dig, with old picks, wheelbarrows, shovels and almost no food, a 40 mile trench large enough for barges and ships to travel. It was abandoned after 4 years. The Death Canal, as it was called locally, claimed between 10,000 and 200,000 lives, of course they weren't counting...they wanted to get rid of the filthy bourgeois. It was finally finished by Ceausescu in 1987, after digging for 11 more years with large earth moving equipment. In the 30 years it’s been open, the 3rd largest canal has generated almost no income and is more of a curiosity than a productive transportation highway.

In Bucharest, traffic is so bad they tromped around as much as possible and tried not to whine (poor, pitiful, car-dependent Americans!). They had lunch at a mall. Kev said, “Walk in and you're instantly transported to the U.S.” Starbucks, Burger King, Quiznos, KFC are all represented. I forgot to ask what they ate…too much mucus on the brain.

The night before they ate at a traditional Romanian restaurant. Chicken veggie soup was one of the items chosen…but the big news was dessert: Bourbon Ice Cream that tasted like Lemon cake batter…I’m not commenting on the accuracy of taste buds…but I am wondering what father would let his 14-year-old daughter order BOURBON ice cream! (I would have at least ordered it for myself and then gave it her!) Cassie and Craig had a dessert (or maybe an entre) that included tiny, and extremely hot, peppers. Everyone but Kevin tried them…with eye-watering, mouth singeing results. According to Megh: “This is the most pain I’ve given myself voluntarily!” Megh called Dad a sissy for not to try it. Kev said he was the smartest one there. I’m just reporting. You decide.

I’ll take what they’re having at:

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Diversion Needed

Mby Ndose Huhrts and mby brain is full of snot. So I must divert you with a diversion. Here is a sample of the citizenship test...would you pass?

Please pass the Kleenex and Niquel at:

Monday, October 27, 2008

An Artistic Diversion

Incredible Edible Photos Made Entirely Out of Food.

I'm diggin' me some bacon hills at:

Come Ride With Me!

To get a "feel" of what Kev, Megh and the rest of the gang experienced the last few days driving through Transylvania, click here.

It's a mountain bike, it's a death wish at:

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Mommy Trauma!

Another 7 hours to get from Iasi to the Black Sea. Or as Kevin puts it, from a Ramada Inn to a whatever. Oddly, they have begun to measure every hotel in Internet access. So the Ramada Inn was only average compared to the Tulip Inn which had killer high speed wireless. The Black Sea hotel (not its real name because of the Witness Protection Program) is rather archaic: it has only 1 20 foot phone cable that the team has to share...fortunately my adorable husband, who packs for everything, including Armageddon, packed an extra one. He and Meghan are Free.

Stressful Side Note: As a result of 7 hours driving over a washboard...or it could be some bad chicken, several folks...Kev and Megh included...have "unhappy" tummies. I don't know the extent of the "unhappiness" but the fact that they are there and not here where I, as Mama of the Universe can't take care of them is causing me a great deal of angst and trauma...and of course you know it's all about ME! ACK! *curls up into a fetal position to pray and/or worry*

Craig (from L.A.) has apparently been instrumental in helping pass the miles. He will regularly burst into a (generally 1970's) song...sometimes with the real words or sometimes updated to fit their current circumstances. He and the others are continually astonished that Megh not only knows the song, but knows the right words to the song and the artist as well. I keep telling people that we at Bryan Homeschooling Academy focus on nothing but the Classics...but no one has believed me...until now! YES!

Project Update: Their time in Iasi was was where Sabina Wurmbrand's family and 13,000 others were killed in 3 days. For you Math nerds (like my husband) that works out to be 4 1/2 people murdered every minute. In one alleyway so many Jews were shot the blood ran ankle deep. In Iasi there used to be 37 synagogues...Now there is 1. 70,000 Jews were reduced to less than 20,000 in a few years. I'm reading a book entitled "Night" by Elie Wiesel (Suggested by Tyler Danyla...Thanks!). He was a Jew in Sighet (one of the places the team unknowingly visited) and he ended up in Auschwitz during the Final Solution...the only one of his family of 6 to survive.

A few cultural notes:
Their ketchup is runny and pitiful compared to Hunt's or Heintz. It's Sad Ketchup according to Megh.

Today they had the coldest cokes EVAH...or at least all week. Kev thinks they actually put them in the fridge this time! They don't serve ice with their soft is one of the easiest ways of getting the cokes come out in whatever state they were stored in. Today it was the fridge! And We Are Thankful Even For This!

Their driver got a ticket from the Lone Romanian Highway Patrolman. Everyone speeds, but their poor driver got the attention today.

Their translator and driver (although they met only to do this gig) argue and bicker like old married folks (or worse.) She (the translator) now refers to him (the driver) as her "husband" because the team has picked on her about their antagonistic communication styles. The translator is also picking up on the aspect of American slang known as Sarcasm. For example, Shane, even though they have 6 hours to go has decided to ask her every few minutes "how much farther"? She in turn responds, "20 more minutes." And then to Cassie, "That's what he wanted to hear, isn't it?" It makes them laugh...because road-weary delirium has set in. Soon they will be wanting to house-sit a giant hotel through a horrible winter is coming that will make them unable to leave...and...never mind!

It's Not All Fun And Games...Sometimes There's An Angry Tummy at: marcyjoybryan@gmail.comn

He Even Has Purty Pictures!

Richie is the scriptwriter for this project. He's also an excellent photographer. Check out his blog, which consists of a lot of LOVELY photos and some brief descriptions.

Or click here.

Someday I'm Going To Be That Talented at:

Driving Them Mad

They spent 2 hours at a prison turned museum that offered them some physical insight as to what occurred then the Russians took over Romania after they (the Russians) and America and the other Allies won the war. We can sum it up like this: After we gave Stalin most of Eastern Europe as a "thanks for helping us kick Hitler's bootie," 2 million Romanians, out of a population of 16 million (1 out of every 8), were put in prison as enemies of the state. Over a quarter of those never returned.

Our Food Report of the Day: The team decided to forgo their usual 2 hour Linner/Dunch time, and it is “typical” in that Europeans eat like this. The team is, of course, "typically" American, which means they are, “Hurry! Down the hatch! And keep on driving!” travelers. Today, they picked up some “stuff” at a grocery store and had sandwiches as they went. Megh said they were delicious.

She also said the sights are Phenomenally Fantastic.

Only one incident to report, really:

Cassie warned the team that it would be another 7 hour bus ride (for the 3rd day in a row).

Megh chirped, “That’s not so bad.”
Cassie “Are you always so overly optimistic?”
Megh: “Someone has to be.
Shane (as though in agony): “NO! No one has to be!”
Kev (thinking): “hmmm…being overly optimistic is irritating. I must remember that.”
Craig: “I’m pessimistically optimistic.”
Richie says nothing but is seen taking notes…this will probably end up in a screenplay somewhere.

I'm probably Optimistically Pessimistic at:

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Yet Another Diverson

The little-known history of the wild west cat-herder cowboy.

I would not do well at this at:

Can We Get There From Here?

Here are the highlights…

It’s taken them 2 days to go 400 miles. Not because they’ve stopped and “touristed” but because they are driving in the mountains on roads that make Kentucky country roadways look like landing strips and on switchbacks where you not only meet yourself coming and going…but you meet yourself running away and stopping for prayer as well. You will meet yourself in these many positions because of the way Romanians drive. Kevin said that there is only one apparent goal for a Romanian behind the wheel of a 2-ton death machine and that is…to pass another Romanian. So cars careen around the mountains passing other drivers only to be passed by others who were likewise overtaken by another hell-bent motorist. This would be an interesting experience except that the roads are narrow and go both ways. After several hours of muttering “we’re all gonna die” Kevin encouraged everyone (except the driver) to put their heads down, close their eyes, and hope for the best. His hope was that the next time they all opened their eyes it would either be at their destination or in heaven.

They didn’t see many sights on their drive through the mountains(mostly because their eyes were closed, duh!). But they did see several signs pointing to possible sights. Among these were Dracula’s Castle and the turn off for the World’s…or Eastern Europe’s…or Romania’s Largest/Longest Castle… or Fortress… or Fortified church. Compare and Contrast them and let me know what you think.

One other thing about the driving. Kev said the trick to staying sane while riding along Romania mountain roadways is to make it like a video game or a 3-D movie in your mind. The terror of death is then diminished to the level of “thrill” and you begin to root for the driver to “win” the “game.” Personally, I think some sort of controlled (or uncontrolled) substances would be much easier…but all they had were the granola bars and cheese and crackers and candy that I sent…so they had to (unfortunately) work with that. The irony of it all were the signage, which occurred at amazingly regular intervals, and which depicted a curvy road and said “No Passing” so plainly that even non-Romanian speakers/readers could understand it.

Interestingly, Kev had driven the same route 19 years ago at Christmas time. He remembered parts of the trip…and commented that the most stunning thing was how far the country has progressed in nearly 2 decades. He said you see the old communist apartment buildings...but now they are covered in personal satellite dishes. He also commented about the vehicles (because he is a guy), “I’ve never seen so many Audi, Porshe’s, and BMS’s anywhere,” he said (and we love him for it).

Yesterday they had lunch with the first (and possibly only) Romanian Cosmonaut to run for the Senate (or possibly Mayor, depending on who's telling you). In fact, we think he’s the only Romanian to ever go into space, so he has that going for him as far as name recognition, which carries a lot when running for office, or so I’m told.

They are at that stage where many commonplace cultural differences are becoming increasingly funny. As just one example: Italian restaurants are very popular there and pizza is often found on the menu. Today the menu listed at least a dozen pizzas and then described them. Each one had, as their first ingredient, “dough.” Not “a delicious crust of…” or not “stone-ground wheat crust” or even “decent crust.” No…it was simply uncooked, unadorned “dough.” Soon they were saying things like, “Look! Pizza #8! It’s got dough!” “Thank goodness! I was wondering what their pizzas were made of.” And “You’ll never guess what they use in Pizza #4…Dough!” “Woo-hoo!” See what I mean? Drugs (and serious ones) may be the only solution.

Meghan said the trees are beautiful there and are turning such beautiful colors. The weather is very similar to Louisville with many days having nearly identical highs and lows. She said she doesn’t like sleeping on the bus because it keeps her on Kentucky time and she wants to be on Romanian time since she’s there so she’s been watching the trees and listening to George Winston. If you do not know George Winston, you can meet him here.

She also said that she would be happy to stay a lot longer (she sounded sad that the trip was almost half over!) if she had three things: 1) Ale 8, 2) her friends, and 3) snack food because they don’t eat on our time schedule. She failed to mention “her mother” in the list…and I’m…sniff…OK with that…sniff, sniff. I’ll just keep myself busy…sniff, sniff…Don’t mind me. SOB!

One final food observation: Today, when they finally got to eat Linner or Dunch (It’s too late in the day to call it Lunch but a bit too early to call it Dinner), the team was so hungry that they started snarfing down the bread brought to the table while the Romanian translator and driver watched them with amusement. Meghan looked up and realized what was happening so she sat back and looked around. She said, “Mom, I watched everyone attack the bread and the Romanians watching with odd expressions on their faces and thought ‘could we be any more American?…I don’t think so.’” Kevin is still looking for the elusive Skittles and Dr Pepper. He thought he found some at one of the modernized prisons…(of which I will tell you more later) but it was an illusion.

It’s my understanding they left Bucharest and drove northwest to Brasov (to a prison), then to Sibiu and Cluj-napoca (the college where Wurmbrand spoke), then, I believe to Baia Mare and possibly Satu-Mare (another prison). Their next goal tonight is Iasi, which is almost directly East of Satu-Mare but on the Moldavian border as the crow flies. Unfortunately they are not crows, nor are they flying so their route will be longer and consist of more meetings of themselves (in various positions I’m sure).

I'm missing them horribly at:

While You're Waiting

I had a nice long visit with Kev and Megh. In order for me to properly report the information I'll need some extra time...and another Diet Coke. Diet Coke is this blogger's Official Beverage for Braincell Activation (OBBA, which is unlike ABBA in that OBBA has no hit singles and would not be caught dead in white stretchpants.)

While you wait, please time stop at NYC's Central Station.

Wishing Diet Coke came in a convenient IV at:

Friday, October 24, 2008

It's Great, When It Works

I talked at both Kev and Megh today via cellphone. It was an experience of frustration and irksomeness. Please note I “talked at” them, instead of the traditional “talking to” or “talking with” or even “talking about” as I’m doing now.

They called me three times, and out of those few minutes I heard the following, and I believe this could be considered a quote: “ack,” “up,” “mah,” and possibly an “eep.”

I wanted to hang up, to end the misery and send them to bed…but I couldn’t… Because I so wanted to hear them. I wanted that connection and to know they were there…So I told them what I was doing (going to dinner) and how much I loved them and then, finally, with the third call, to go to bed. After all, it was after 1 am their time. I make that distinction only to clarify that I am not of the appropriate celebrity shape or status to be going to dinner at 1 am my time. My proper place at 1 am is home, in bed, hopefully sleeping…but if not, reading a good book. Or, worse case scenario, folding clothes and getting my family ready to leave or the house ready for company.

So there you have it. Not much to report, except that I'm a bit lonely. Instead of information I will offer this as a diversion. It's not related to anything...but strangely fascinating anyway.

Continually in awe of the blasted technology whether it works or not at:

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I Live 2 Skype

Today was another Skype day from Bucharest. Here is what I learned in my 30 minutes of Virtual Face Time:

1) They leave tomorrow morning early (which is just after midnight for us) for Northern Romania in which (I’m not making this up) they skirt along Transylvania and the Carpathian mountain range. If you are not familiar with Transylvania, please check out the scholarly information helpfully offered here. And here.

2) They went to a real live prison today. Felons apparently differ in post-communist Romania from America in several significant ways, not the least of which they let their maximum security prisoners walk around, in the open, meaning…and I don’t think I can overstress this…not behind bars, and in “normal” clothes…with all sorts of woodworking and glass cutting tools in their rooms…afterwards I wondered if they had mistaken “maximum security prison” for an Eastern European form a Male Adult Day Care. I guess I better check on that.

3) Megh and Cassie walked through the entire prison except for one room…and I forgot why…I think it had something to do with it being where all the murderers were milling about before lunch, or something. She just said that she and Cassie decided they “didn’t need to see whatever was in there.” As her mother I would comment unbiasedly, “No DUH!” However, Kevin, who is there but still lacks the patented “Mother Instinct” basically because he is a Father, is in the background saying, “Why didn’t you go in there! I was there to take care of you!” I didn’t have the heart to remind him of the number of felons (of which included more than one…the clue being the “s” after felon…) vs. the number of him…even after taking into account what weapons he had “packed.” (Let me give you a hint: none.)

4) Megh’s favorite dinner tonight was traditionally Romanian which came in the form of a traditional Chinese restaurant where she had some traditionally Romanian food in the manner they called “General Tzao’s Chicken.” Classical music, in the form of David Cassidy (of “Partridge Family" fame), was provided for their dining enjoyment.

5) Cassie, being the ever-fun-loving cruise director had them while away the travel miles by playing an ever-fun-loving game: Each person had to say 5 kind/nice/complimentary/ positive things from the heart as they drove to the prison. Let it be noted that Kev (whose name…I kid you not…means “kind” in some foreign language) got a grand total of…2… He said he would have gotten 3 but he talked too long and it turned into a negative. They failed to tell me how the others fared. Maybe they’ll do a “Round 2: Cynical Edition.” Kev would be a natural. I say that with total love and respect.

6) Then they signed off…to pack. They’ll do a 5 day circuit….feel free to Follow! Along! They’ll go to Tirgu Ocna (a prison/hospital) and then to Iasi (where Sabina’s entire family were slaughtered along with most of the village.) Then they’ll go to the mouth of the Danube-Black Sea Canal Project (which was finished 30 years after Communism was) and then back to Bucharest.

Hoping they have internet at all those places at:

They Are Fine

I just haven't had any time to be clever.

Please enjoy this time-wasting game while I write.

Wishing for a few more (creative) hours in my day at:

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Bucharest: It's So Old It's New

Technology is a wonderful, terrible thing.

I say this because I just finished Skyping with my family. If you haven’t skyped before it’s just as well because it brings several elements of technology together to make a person worry (yet again) how they look and what they might have dangling from their teeth or nose. Skype is apparently a “program” that “turns” your computer into a "videophone." Please don't ask me how. It might be demonic... or some sort of black magic. Or, if I was in a better mood, I might call it a miracle. Regardless of whatever voodoo that makes it all work, one thing is true: I could see and hear my family and now I miss them worse than ever!

And they could see me. Of course, being that technology is a two-edged sword, I could also see me…in a little box in the corner. This quickly became a problem because my eyes continually focused down on the box making me aware that I was slouching or my hair had poofed up funny because of my slouching or my t-shirt had bunched up around my throat as a direct result of slouchiness…and so on. So I spent as much time desperately trying to not be aware of my “slouchifiedness” as I did watching my family.

The connection was wonderful, although a bit blurry...At one point I just sat and watched my husband and daughter work on a computer "issue" that Meghan was trying to solve...I had nothing to say…so I watched them do their thing 7 time zones and 5,317 miles away from me...and they seemed so normal...not distant or foreign at all.

We got to talk about 30 minutes...which is WAY longer than the 12 of the previous night...and here is the news:

They went to some local "infirmaries" and prisons. There were no prisoners there. One of the prisons they want to go to, called Jilava, has flooded (it’s underground) and they won’t be able to use it.

Sometime during the day Kevin had an Italian Chocolate…which he described as basically a liquefied, warm Hershey bar. Meghan had a milkshake, which she said should have been called a “frothshake” because…well, you can guess why.

The biggest surprise for Kev was how modern Bucharest had become…he had visited on the anniversary of Ceausescu’s overthrow and execution and saw a country of bare shelves, old cars, and people who were hungry. In fact, Kev’s team passed out Bibles and their truck was mobbed when people realized what they were doing. This trip, there are packed stores, BMWs, and electronic billboards. He even saw in IKEA by the airport. And if you have an IKEA…You definitely won’t pass for a post-WWII communistic-ravaged city.

Wondering where they’ll find the 1950’s for their movie at:

Prayers and God's Kindness Strike Again!

Your prayers and God's kindness strike again!

Meghan and Kev called today around 2:30 in the afternoon. It should be 9:30pm here...although Megh said it was nearly midnight. Frankly, I took most of what she said as General But Undocumented Information, primarily because the entire team had (at that time) gone without sleep for the past 24 hours...delirium had firmly set in. It must have hit around dinnertime;
Meghan said she noticed they were eating (it was some kind of chicken she thought) but were not aware of what they were putting in their mouths or what else was going on around them. I think she referred to "now knowing how a zombie feels like on a normal day."

The biggest answer to prayer was that the camera made it safe and (mostly) sound. There is apparently one small fracture on one of the thingys that hold the boom mic to the camera. It sounded like something that won't hinder their "image gathering" in Romania and can be replaced when it finally goes completely bad.

Thank you SO VERY much for praying with me last night and today. I must confess...and this probably seems horribly ridiculous...but there are times when I feel like I'm the Weakest Link in the Prayer Zone. So when a call comes in, as it did from Kevin last night, I feel so impotent and
helpless...I want to ask God for His will but I want MY will actually done. I wonder just how much my meager beggings matter to the Omnipotent Creator. And I know that I should pray the "prayer than never fails"...(Your Will be done, Lord)...but I struggle to mean it. Knowing that there was a lot of prayer-warring going on gave me joy and hope. And peace. Thanks.

We were able to talk about 10 minutes total...Megh said the plane flight was unbelievably long but that she and Kevin watched a marathon of "Heroes"... which suits me fine because I am spared from having to watch it. Actually last year they un-invited me from their "Heroes" nights...because I believe I can change the outcome of the show by yelling loudly and often at the TV and become "somewhat" unpleasant when they don't obey me. For some reason my eruptions "bother" them because they can't "hear" or something.

The only other thing they told me was that they had a meeting with the Romanian film production company they might work with. Meghan said they have a huge warehouse filled with sets like castles and such. She was just stunned....and muttering..."it's so big!" "And a castle!" "And the set to mumble, mumble...(some movie I couldn't quite hear)!"..."And I'm really

So I sent them to bed with "loveyou!loveyou!loveyou!loveyou!loveyou!loveyou!"

Thanks again for sharing the burden...feel free to keep on praying. They start visiting prisons tomorrow. And most of them are still active. They won't be in any danger that I know of, but still.

Grateful beyond words at:

It's Starting Early This Trip!


As you probably know, Kevin, Megh, Shane, Cassie, and Richie all left this afternoon for two weeks in Romania (or at least you knew they were going...details like the exact day and time should only be required for those who would take them to the airport or are responsible for them packing clean underwear and socks). least we thought details like everyone knowing exactly when they were leaving and such weren't important...

So, at noon, Shepherd (our eternal intern whom we love) and myself took them to the airport and sent them off in a prayerful fashion and thought no more about it.

For 4 hours. To be exact.

At 4:30 pm I get a call from Megh. They were about to board the flight to Amsterdam and I asked the typical mom-type question: "How are you doing?" "Most of us are doing well," she replied. "But Dad's not doing so good." (She's mastered Kentucky grammar, isn't she incredible?) "There's a problem with the camera."

The camera in question is City on a Hill's brand new little beastie. I don't know how much this little box cost...but if I did, it would curl your hair and mine. Keeping in mind that Kevin used to travel overseas. A lot. So he's prepared down to having jar of peanut butter and packs of tuna in
his bag. His plan was typical and simple: carry it on at Louisville...and have the little baggage dude put it under the plane with the strollers....Kev carries some $5 and $10 bills for that very purpose and it works very well. He's done it in other countries and it worked magically. And, besides, this is America, so no problem, right?

All went well until they got to Detroit...and Kevin went to get the case. Apparently it was put with the "normal" baggage and then taken off the plane in the "normal" baggage way, and was sent into the bowels of Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport, (which is under the total control of satan-spawned robots and where no human is allowed to venture under penalty
of death and dismemberment...or worse) and has been treated like the rest of the "normal" baggage and is, at present, supposedly under the plane on its way to Bucharest...because "normal" baggage doesn't really have layovers like people so you can't get to them...they just keep going and going until they reach a Predetermined Final Destination. Hopefully it matches yours.

Knowing Kevin the way you do, you can only imagine how "Perry Mason" he can become when things refuse to go the way he so carefully planned. And I'm sure he Perry Masoned several Northeast Airlines employees until he had to get on the plane. He might even Perry Mason some people at the Northwest Air Corporate (motto: Let Us Really Take Care of Your Bags) offices (he
asked me to look up their phone numbers). Megh tried to get him to eat something, but you can't eat and Perry Mason. Just so you know.

Last I talked to him, he was disappointed at the situation and frustrated to have the case so close and yet to far (that ought to be a song). He also said that "God knew this was going to He's got a plan." But he did have three prayer requests (and this is why I'm taking up your time):

1) That the camera and other stuff not sustain any damage. It's in a soft case and, although wrapped in bubble wrap and clothes, that's not a lot of protection against oversized, and overweight, American luggage.

2) That the camera not be stolen. It was hand delivered under the plane. I don't know what kind of identification or bar code (if any) that it had. And even would be very tempting to "lift" something that looked tantalizingly like a large, expensive piece of equipment somewhere between here and Bucharest.

3) That it will be happily there with the rest of the luggage, ready to be used...

They won't know anything until Monday afternoon, their time (that's early morning here) but I don't know when they'll be able to contact me.

Please keep them all (and the camera) in your prayers. I'm praying for some Holy Spirit Bubble Wrap to encase that little piece of equipment and keep it safe and invisible (if need be).

And it's barely Day One. And it's just the scouting trip. What kind of crazy spiritual battle have we got ourselves into?

Thanks, so much.

BTW: Megh was SOOOO excited! Last night she said, "Just think: tomorrow I'll have breakfast in Louisville, lunch in Detroit, dinner over the ocean, breakfast in Amsterdam, and lunch in Bucharest! I might just have to freak out!"

She called when she got on the plane to Amsterdam and said, "I still can't believe it! I'll believe it when I see strange soil." I can't imagine anything stranger than Kentucky clay...but you never know...

Their goal once they hit Bucharest is to scout possible locations for the next large film project which surrounds a Romanian couple who started Voice of the Martyrs. It sounds simple enough until you read their books. ("The Underground Church" by Richard Wurmbrand and "The Pastor's Wife" by Sabina Wurmbrand) Then it is obviously God-sized and stunning. Kev had hoped he and Megh would film the team as they went scouting about for a "behind the scenes" thing and to share with those of us "left behind."

Grateful our God is Bigger at:

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I Am Not Dead

I will explain.


Forcing Myself to Get on With Other Things at:

Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Potentially Fun Movie Quiz!

Can you guess the movie from seeing just one letter of the movie poster?

Click Here!

My brother-in-law got 30 out of 46. Me? Ummm...I knew the one's from Disney.

Call Me Movie Challeneged at:

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Is That Lime Jell-O in Your Head?

According to, a bowl of lime Jell-O, when hooked up to an EEG machine, exhibited movement which is virtually identical to the brain waves of a healthy adult man or woman.

At my age, that makes perfect sense.

Buying Some Lime Jell-O As Brain Backup at:

BTW: more interestingly useless facts can be found Here.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Why I Haven't Written

I, like many others, am the star in my own reality show.

Footnoted Here

If only I could make syndication at:

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Did You Have A Nice Weekend?

THIS will stress you out.

It Must Be Monday at:

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Healthy food stresses you out...Junk food relaxes you. And there's SCIENCE to back it up!

Where are the Doritos? MMMMmmm I feel better already at:

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Megh's New Fav

And I like it too!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Celebrity Scaredy-Cats

Here's a slide show and a list of famous people's fears.

Hey I'm Just Like Daryl Hannah! at:

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Are YOU Scared Silly?

Now there are names for ALL of them!

I Think I've Got Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia at:

Sunday, January 06, 2008

It's 2008

Here's a Drawing Game Worthy of Time Wasting.

If Only There's Something That Would Explain Cartoon Physics as Well at:

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Another Reason Not to Leave Home

Massive Bedbug Infestation in NYC.

Today New York, Tomorrow the World at:

In Case You're Like Me

And didn't do squat for New Year's Eve but Sit on the couch and watch a nut try to kill himself, here's this.

And I Didn't Even Need A Passport to Feel Motion Sick at:

Boy Do I Feel Better!

Japan invented a snow eating, icecube pooping robot.

Our future is secure.

If Only They Could Make a Trash Eating, Gasoline Peeing Robot at: