Thursday, April 30, 2009

I've Been Sick!

For the past two days my body's ached like it was being squeezed in a vice. A fever was to blame, of course, but it wasn't a bad least no according to my "Anti-Accurate Digi Therm" that we now must use because "real" thermometers were too "dangerous" for "normal" people because it had satanic "mercury" in it. Which means...I had a fever, but who knows what it was...

I had always wanted an excuse to lay in bed for two days...and read...and blog...and make lists.

Instead, I slept. For nearly 18 hours straight. And then I watched "Scooby Doo and the Ghost Pirate" movie on Netflix Instant Viewing. Nothing shows the depths to which you have fallen like watching a Scooby Doo movie on Netflix when "Meet the Robinsons" was available.

Obviously I was very sick.

I Promise to Stop Kissing Pigs at:

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