best waste of 5 minutes today!
Bonus: music by Sting.
Of course it's fake but who cares at:
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Shape of my heart
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
So You Can Ride A Bike, Eh?
Next time you're feeling smug about your shredding bicycling skilz, watch this video.
These women are beasts of the bicycle world!
Kevin said: "What is up with the crowd? These girls are incredible and they hardly clap! What does it take to get a cheer in Germany?! How do you practice these moves? One mistake and it's a bar in the wrong place or a face plant!" (This may not be an actual quote, but it's close enough.)
I can't even walk with as much crazy skilz at:
As If Being A Poodle Isn't Bad Enough...

Someone has the nerve to do THIS!
See even more "Poodle Perversion" by clicking here. (Although I must admit the perpetrator against poodle nature is very talented. Sick, but talented.)
Oh the Poodle-manity! at:
Saturday, August 22, 2009
LOVE STORY (Taylor Swift) meets VIVA LA VIDA (Coldplay) - Piano Cello - by Jon Schmidt
Your touch of class for the day.
Mashups never sounded so beautiful!
Sigh at:
Friday, August 21, 2009
I was pretty devastated until I found THIS NEWS ARTICLE.
It's about a man who lost a bunch of weight and lowered his cholesterol by eating nothing but PIZZA. IN 30 DAYS!
I found a new purpose in life at:
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Fatboy slim "Weapon of choice"
Possibly one of the best music videos EVAH!
Christopher Walken is AMAZING!
My paradigm on what is weird and creepy is shattered forever at:
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
A New Kind of Religious Experience?
This is totally ridiculous (and it's awfully late) but this nearly made me cry! Make sure you stay to see what happens starting 3:05.
Ompah me at:
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Happy Birthday Woodstock!
Crosby Stills and Nash sing the Beatles' "Blackbird."
They played after the end of the official third day of the concert, sometime after midnight on Monday, August 18th, 1969.
I was 7 years old and thought "Woodstock" was one of Snoopy's friends.
Groovy ya'll at:
Friday, August 07, 2009
Unbelievable Water Slide
Their mothers/wives/girlfriends definitely DO NOT know about this little project, I bet!
Even so, I bow to their insane calibration skills.
Summer's almost
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Click here to read all the heart-clogging details.
Mmmmmmm Bacon AND Chocolate! Can my mouth handle the heaven at:
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
This is What I Want to Be When I Grow Up!

A Bubbleologist!
Click Here to read about this great new career field!
I'd Be Afraid I'd Blow It at:
Monday, August 03, 2009
This Is Ridiculous
Insanewiches. Crazy sandwiches.
Click here.
You know you want to.
Go ahead.
I did and I feel great! feel great! feel great! feel great! ffel grest! at:
Friday, July 31, 2009
More Cuba Doings!
Actually, you can't really follow them, because they couldn't call or email me for the entire week. But that didn't stop me...I made all manner of things up for your entertainment and possible education!
The real stories will come after they've rested and had some good ol' American McDonald's.
Enjoyed my "quiet time" but I can't wait for them to be home at:
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Please Tell Me This Is A Joke

"The Librarian" MOVIE?
OMG. And this is (at least) the THIRD in the SERIES!
Check it out by clicking here.
Be Still My Hair-Bunned, Bespectacled Heart at:
A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words
Monday, July 27, 2009
Follow Megh and Kev in Cuba (Sort of)
or click here.
It might be entertaining AND possibly educational! A potential 2-fer-1 deal!
And you thought I just wanted you all to myself at:
Saturday, July 25, 2009
While You're Waiting...
...For me to come up with something clever to say, enjoy this video.
It's rather mesmerizing.
I can't believe it's not photoshopped at:
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
The Happy Meal is 30 Years Old!
And in honor I give you
McDonald's: The Rap
If only they served fries with that at:
If Man Walked on the Moon Today
This is SO WORTHY!
You will ENJOY this!
I wish I was this clever at:
Monday, July 20, 2009
You've been Rock Rolled!
Nirvana and Rick a mashup!
It's like a train wreck...only lyrical!...
I couldn't stop watching it at:
Sunday, July 19, 2009
It's One Giant Leap for Man...

...and the 40th anniversary of mankind (stepping onto the moon).
In honor of that I have for you some pictures:

I have but one question: Anti-moon Conspiracy did they get Arizona to look SOOOooo lunar-ish?

Bonus: Here is a site for 10 startling facts about the Apollo 11's lunar landing.
Poetic Justice: The toilet just failed on the ISS
I Didn't Know Half This Stuff Either at:
Sunday, July 12, 2009
The Proclaimers - I'm On My Way
I'm needing me some happy.
(Please excuse the video quality)
I'm on my way at:
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
United Breaks Guitars
Oh My Goodness! Revenge is Best Served with a Side of Country!
Here's the article:
(BTW: I stole the quote from there.)
I Have New Respect For Country Music and The People Who Sing It at:
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
But she quickly recovered (ORLY?) by saying, "When was Billy Mays' funeral? I LOVED him!"
Sigh. I thought I had done so well...
As a side note and further proof of my failing to instruct my daughter concerning Things One Must Know And Love, after the King of Pop's death she said (and I can't believe must come from her father),

"This is the first person to be born a poor black boy and die a rich white woman."
I'm going "Beat It" into her and play "Man in the Mirror" until she cries "Billie Jean" and repents at:
It'll be a "Thriller." (Please stop me.)
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Most Awesome Banner Ad EVAH
No, Really.
You need to.
You won't be sorry.
I promise.
I even laughed out loud at:
Friday, June 26, 2009
OK...So Who's Been Smoking Crack?

You can see even more pictures here.
Someone needs to help them understand that this is wrong at:
The Jackson Five - I Want You Back
Sigh. This is another exact moment I fell in love with Michael Jackson. I was 8 years old. He was 11.
Cradle robbing was legal back then at:
the Jackson 5 - I'll be there and Feelin' Alright
The moment I fell in love...isn't he adorable?!
May he truly be resting in peace at:
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Hammer Pants Dance (HD)
Look for the G'pa doing the Hammer dance.
It's work the complete waste of time at:
What if the dinosaurs in "Jurassic Park" said "Hey" instead of roaring?
Yeah, I've always wondered that too, at:
Thursday, June 11, 2009
This guy has TOO much time...
Or he's working on his Senior Project for Art College.
What do YOU think? (I'm voting for art school.)
How much DID he spend on stick ums and can I has his budget (I LOVE stick ums) at:
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Classic 80's Hits... Interpreted for Ragtime Piano - By Scott Bradlee
It's been a while since I've posted something. There's a good reason for that. And while I think of it, enjoy this AWESOME RAGTIME!
My daughter actually can sing almost all of these songs...Aren't I an AMAZING MOM?! HAHAHAHAHAH at:
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Beat Swine Flu...THE GAME! - embed games
It's so contagious I put it on Facebook!
Do You Think It Will Go Viral at:
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Hail to the Chia Chief!
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Maybe I should learn to play the piano...I guess Kevin will have to, as well.
Sigh. Maybe I'll Just Stick With My Gift of Nagging at:
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Carrie Fisher Roasts George Lucas
In honor of Star Wars...
She's very obnoxious and funny...and says one bad word at the end (so cover your ears if you need to).
I Hope I'm That Clever and Look That Good At Her Age (in 6 years!) at:
Monday, May 04, 2009
It's Star Wars Day!
I'm Not Too Late!
Happy Star Wars Day! It's the anniversary of the release of Star Wars or Star Wars The Original or Star Wars: A New Hope or Star Wars Episode 4 or whatever they call it now. (If you are on Facebook, you've seen this by now. Don't be stingy...share with your friends.
May 4th, 1977. I was there. Actually, I was nearby. Babysitting. But I got there as soon as my friend who worked at the movies could get me in for free.
I Still LOVE Hans Solo at:
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Anjelah Johnson- Nail Salon
If you haven't seen this...she's very funny. If you it again so you can memorize it for your next party. One of my students can quote this...excruciatingly funny!
It's worth wasting nearly ten minutes of you life at:
The Olympic Japanese Diving Team
This is why Japan should have won the War! These aren't men with little black rectangles covering their faces...NO! These are cyborgs...human diving machines! They don't hit each other even by accident!
Japanese Precision Diving Robots--I Bet It'd Make A Great Movie at:
What Just Happened Here
I've had a long and tiring weekend (although it was very good, thank you for asking). So I may not be the best judge as to what I just witnessed.
Please Enlighten Me at:
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Bird Art
This dude has been on my blog before...but he's started a new series.
He paints "Sully" Sullenberger's portrait (the pilot of the plane that landed in the Hudson River after becoming disabled by birds sucked into the engine) with an actual dead duck.
It's Art and It's Weird. That's Why We Watch at:
I've Been Sick!
I had always wanted an excuse to lay in bed for two days...and read...and blog...and make lists.
Instead, I slept. For nearly 18 hours straight. And then I watched "Scooby Doo and the Ghost Pirate" movie on Netflix Instant Viewing. Nothing shows the depths to which you have fallen like watching a Scooby Doo movie on Netflix when "Meet the Robinsons" was available.
Obviously I was very sick.
I Promise to Stop Kissing Pigs at:
Friday, April 24, 2009
The Muppets appear on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
Awesome Muppets Trifecta is now in play.
Watching Ty interact with Miss Piggy is worth the watch at:
Henson's 11
Your Math For The Day: Ocean's 11 + the Muppets = TOTAL AWESOME!
What More Can I Say? at:
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Henson's 11
I don't even know what to say about this except...
Ocean's 11 + Muppets = EPIC ROCKS!
Count me in at:
Disturbing Yet Fascinating Noises...
I'm not at all sure how he makes the myriad of those sounds come out of his mouth like that...but he probably ought to say "excuse me" more often.
That's all I'm saying.
Would a Mother Be Proud or Worried at:
MMMmmmmmm Bacon...Salt!?
It's Talk Like Shakespeare Day
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I Might Be Back
I'm sitting at Panera's while Megh's at church...Broccoli cheese soup, a baguette, and a diet coke would probably inspire a great and life-changing writing experience, except that I left my glasses at home...
So I'm typing in a way that one would think of when using the idiomatic and well-worn phrase "blind as a bat" if bats were, in fact, blind instead of having a high tech thing called "sonar" making them more able to see things in the dark than I can with both sets of glasses at noon.
Regardless...I've got a LOT to share with you so I'm going to try to write to you while I work on my backlogged emails.
Here's hopping I hit the right keys at:
UPS Maintenance Reports

The following is not my writing but I thought you'd enjoy it nevertheless:
After every flight, UPS pilots fill out a form, called a 'gripe sheet,' which tells mechanics about problems with the aircraft. The mechanics correct the problems, document their repairs on the form, and then pilots review the gripe sheets before the next flight.
Never let it be said that ground crews lack a sense of humor. Here are some actual maintenance complaints submitted by UPS pilots (marked with a P) and the solutions recorded (marked with an S) by maintenance engineers.
By the way, UPS is the only major airline that has never, ever, had an accident. I don't know that this is true...if so, I'm flying with them on my next trip...they go everywhere!
P: Left inside main tire almost needs replacement.
S: Almost replaced left inside main tire.
P: Test flight OK, except auto-land very rough.
S: Auto-land not installed on this aircraft.
P: Something loose in cockpit
S: Something tightened in cockpit
P: Dead bugs on windshield.
S: Live bugs on back-order.
P: Auto pilot in altitude-hold mode produces a 200 feet per minute descent
S: Cannot reproduce problem on ground.
P: Evidence of leak on right main landing gear.
S: Evidence removed.
P: DME volume unbelievably loud.
S: DME volume set to more believable level.
P: Friction locks cause throttle levers to stick.
S: That's what friction locks are for.
P: IFF in operative in OFF mode.
S: IFF always inoperative in OFF mode.
P: Suspected crack in windshield.
S: Suspect you're right.
P: Number 3 engine missing.
S: Engine found on right wing after brief search
P: Aircraft handles funny.
S: Aircraft warned to straighten up, fly right and be serious.
P: Target radar hums.
S: Reprogrammed target radar with lyrics.
P: Mouse in cockpit.
S: Cat installed.
P: Noise coming from under instrument panel. Sounds like a midget pounding on something with a hammer.
S: Took hammer away from midget
Monday, April 20, 2009
The Stethoscope
I'm sure you've seen this. But it's strange enough to watch again.
Why Can't I Find Cool Things Laying Around When A Camera Crew Is Following Me at:
Sunday, April 19, 2009
He's got more talent in his fingers than I have in my whole ARM!
I Hope I Don't Meet Him In A Bad Sleeve Or Some Fake Piano Contest at:
Friday, April 10, 2009
Bruce Lee. Nunchucks. Pingpong.
Awesomeness Cubed.
I Don't Care If It Isn't Real And He's Already Dead (or is he?) at:
Is This Even Possible?
Can you photo shop sounds? Beatboxing + Flute + Mario Brothers = Unexpected Cool-arity.
The Magic Flute is Reborned at:
For Your Cultural and Music Edumacation
Amazing, enjoyable, and a Music History Lesson to Boot! Woo-hoo! It's a trifecta of AWESOME!
They Don't/Can't Do It Like That No More (Not That I Ever Could!) at:
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
I'm Sure You've Seen This...
But it's worth repeating. Most of his other stuff is a bit rough, so if you want repeated laughs, watch this over again or go to the clips of Tim Hawkins a few posts down.
Truth Can Be Funny at:
Spinal Tap World Tour!

To quote Spinal Tap's lead guitarist Nigel Tufnel: "If we're going to do a World tour on only one night, at least it's this world." Read entire titillating article here.
If you're in London, this will be the place to be.
And they'll be backed by The Folksmen!

Be Still My Beating Heart Before A Mighty Wind at:
Just One More...I couldn't help myself.

Oh To Be In London in June...
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Is This Disturbing To Anyone Else But Me?
Please Say Yes (between the giggles) at:
What a Fabulous Waste of Time!
Check it out!
I dare you to do just one (level)!
I Love Its Little Hash Marks at:
In Honor of The First Day of Baseball Season
John Foggerty and Keith Urban doing "Centerfield."
Oh The Eye-Candy-humanity at:
Water Balloons in Slow Mo
It may be a Scweppes Ad...but it's beautiful. It's drawing me into it's slo-mo relaxation awesomeness...I may never leave...Must. Regain. Normal Stress Levels or become a Marshmallow head.
Oh The Balloon-amity at:
Saturday, April 04, 2009
The Star Wars Trifecta Continues
This Is Awesome with Freakishly Sci-Fi Awesomeness at:
Feeling Smug at Being HomoSapien?

Sleep Well.
The complete article can be found here.
Where Are the Men In Black (particularly Will Smith) When I Need Them/Him? at:
Channel Jackson Pollock!
"Jackson Pollock by Miltos Manetas" for iPhone from Memo Akten on Vimeo.
If you don't have the iPhone (or iTouch) you can do it on your computer here.
Here's another iPhone artist who is quite amazing.
Yeah, I Probably Would Be A Great iPhone Artist, If I Had an iPhone. And If I Could Draw at:
Friday, April 03, 2009
Star Wars Opening Remixed with a Famous 80s TV show
Are you old enough to recognize which Evening TV Drama this comes from? Hint: It's set in a large central Texas city that starts with a "D" and sounds like "Callas."
I Even Knew Who Shot J.R. at:
Mighty StonehengeMan
This man not only has too much time on his hands, he's a genius too!
Check out the science at
(you'll have to cut and paste, I'm afraid).
There's A Clever Way To End This But Meghan Is Distracting Me at:
Star Wars Told By Someone Who Hasn't Seen It
Star Wars: Retold (by someone who hasn't seen it) from Joe Nicolosi on Vimeo.
Bad Movie Reference Trifecta Now In Play at:
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Your Art Moment of the Day
I don't know what it is really, but it's beautiful. I guess it must be "Art."
It's Certainly More Interesting Than TV (But Maybe I'm Biased) at:
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
The Snuggly Wasn't Enough

Now there's the Peekaru
The Snuggly costs $15 and covered you and your neighborhood. The Peekaru costs $80 and you can still see body parts. Where's the bargain in that?
Official Website (with more pictures) here.
Couldn't They Have Found A Better Name Other Than Something Scooby Do Might Say? at:
Molten Iron Throwing Festival
Key Phrase: "So long as you're not afraid to die, it's OK."
Yeah, That's Not Making My Bucket List at:
Which means, "A Cool, Techno-Geek Version of 'Red Riding Hood.'"
The Brothers Grimm Would Be Proud at:
Peeling Potatoes the "MaryAnn" way
It's a clever technique performed by MaryAnn from "Gilligan's Island" fame.
Durn, She's Still Cuter Than Me at:
Monday, March 30, 2009
Star Wars Trifecta Now In Play
O.K. Star Wars Music as Played on a Gold Harp. By a Youth Who Should Know Better.
It's Strangely Beautiful.
But Would Yoda Approve? at:
Saturday, March 28, 2009
The Call It Tilt Shifting
Bathtub IV from Keith Loutit on Vimeo.
This was done with the help of the helicopter rescue crew.
More can be seen here.
Thomas The Tank Engine On Steroids Anyone? at:
Your Moment of Culture
As you know, Monet painted stuff over and over again experimenting with different times of the day and seasons of the year. He was trying to capture how light and color interact.
This video lines up several of these paintings. It is pretty impressive.
Too Tired To Be Funny at:
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
THE ORIGINAL Scary 'Mary Poppins' Recut Trailer
I got to hang out in the Tech Room during the performance last night. The Tech Room is a Very Interesting Place, meaning that people of the "tech" persuasion chat about all sorts of potentially interesting things, many of which involve words like "blah," "blah" camera "blah," and "blah, blah, No Way!" I'm sure other words are used in the course of these conversations, but I'm having to translate from geek to human and it can be a bit challenging. Thank you for your patience.
Anyway, the REAL reason I love sitting in the tech room (besides learning the language) is that you also hear about very interesting websites.
Hence this post.
I hope you find it as hysterically creepy as I did.
Other Very Interesting Things Were Also Said In Non-Geek But You'll Have To Wait For The Book at:
Monday, March 23, 2009
Amazing Rubic Cube Art!

44 Rubik's Cubes were used in the making of this Pac Man.

There are 64 Rubik cubes used in this dragon...
And There's More! Have a Look Here.
I Don't Even Have One Little Rubik at:
Saturday, March 21, 2009
It's Up To You
So I'm going to give you an assignment.
Check out Archie Mcphee's first.
and then
Perpetual Kid.
There is plenty on either website to delight and offend. You should be kept busy for hours!
My favorite (even after all these years)... still Nunzilla
There's Nothing Like Sharing Useless, Time-Wasting Money-Sucking Websites Between Friends at:
Art? Insanity? You Decide
It's My Little Pony Pop Art Sculptures.
The artist used real My Little Pony toys and then added stuff to make icons of today's pop culture.
Click on the first square and then use your arrow keys to shuffle through the pictures. You won't be disappointed.
I couldn't stop myself from going through the entire list...twice.
Want Me a "My Little Jack Sparrow" at:
Friday, March 20, 2009
Light-Up Sheep Art
OK. This is ridiculous. And I've already watched it three times.
Which technically makes it a trifecta in Louisville horse racing terms.
Question: would this be considered abuse or stunning artistic talent by PETA?
Like I Care...It's Simply Amazing at:
What a Wonderful World - Louis Armstrong
One of my father's favorite singers. I remember him cranking Louis up on our record player or later on our brand new 8-track player (we were SOOoooo cool!).
Happy Birthday, Dad! (Sorry I'm a little late...I have a good excuse. Really I do!)
I Still Miss You at:
Hilarious Muppets Bloopers!
OK...I will write about this soon. Just enjoy the video now.
I Really Have Nothing To Say About This Right Now at:
What if "Star Trek" Was Made By Country Folk?
Little about this made sense, but then, again, it's Saturday morning and I should be in bed.
BTW: It Made Me Laugh Regardless at:
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Is This A Crime?

Pimp My Ride Meets Nerdville...which means this must be Japan.
The "article" (meaning "mostly a gallery of photos for you to laugh at") is here.
Why, Japan, Oh Why? at:
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Weird and Cool Timelapse
Eclectic 3.0: The Roads Less Traveled from Ross Ching on Vimeo.
The video can be found here as well.
Because There Isn't Much To Watch At One In The Morning at:
Kid's Resources

Grace? Forgiveness? Turn the other cheek? P-shawwwww! Who needs them when you have the Voodoo! Pencil! Case!
Click here to read the unbiased article in favor (maybe not) of the "children's toy to cope with bullies."
Who Would Possibly Have a Problem With This Little Gem? at:
When In Germany...Become A Vegan

I'm not kidding. Here is the informative article.
Make Mine Anything That Wasn't Touched By That Man at:
So I give up trying to plan for cleverness and lengthy blog entries.
Enter: Commando Humor Blogging!
I Won't Guarantee the Quality of the Material You'll Be Getting Over the Next Week and a Half, But I Promise It Will Waste Your Time at:
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Happy Happy Pi Day!

It's 3/14 and, as you know, it must be Pi Day (3.14...).
Website Included to assist you in your descent toward geekdom.
Here's what a complete Pi looks like.
"And I Don't Even Have Time to Bake One," she obtusely observed.
"More coming. I promise," she said acutely at:
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Let Us Break for Time Wasting--Movie Edition
Famous movies remade by bunnies...

"Raider's of the Lost Ark" in 30 seconds...with bunnies!

"A Christmas Story" in 30 seconds...with bunnies!
These are just two examples, there are dozens of others. Click here to connect to their website. As you might guess, not all 30 second movies are endorsed by me (shunning, as I do, anything with a plot). As a result, I leave you to your own judgment.
This is WAY Better Than Cliffnotes at:
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Mmmmmmm Bacon!
Which means I'm a dedicated groupie tonight (at least for now). *smile*
However, I still have to prep for my art class tomorrow. So while you wait, here's 1001 Things To Do With Bacon.
To entice you, here are just two:

A Swedish Bacon Pillow (unscented as of yet)
and (I'm not making this up)

Chocolate Bacon Dessert
And there are a plethora of others that you just must see.
Oops! I've Got Chocolate on My Bacon at:
Saturday, March 07, 2009
It's Spacey!
Sigh...I Think I've Got Something In My Eye at:
BTW: The Space Station is wanting YOU to help name its new module!
Stephen Colbert has a (surprise!) opinion about that!
I Say Call It Xenu and Send Tom Cruise at:
I'm Not Bored, But I'm Here
So, I arrive around 5pm and hang out in the intriguing geekdom of mic-land. Once all the girlies are wired, I run ("running" here is an utter misnomer) upstairs to clean up the tech break room and get it ready for dinner. (They wisely feed the cameramen and spotlight operators after the show because they don't want sleepy technical people using very expensive equipment.)
At the 3/4 point I run back downstairs to help take the mics off the girls. When done, back upstairs I go to eat and help clean the break room.
But right in the middle...Right here where I am now...nothing's happening. The water jugs are filled, the food isn't here yet. The actors are singing and if there is a mic problem, it's beyond my ability to fix I'm joyfullyexempt.
It'll be during these times each that you will be getting a lot of pointless things from me because...well, number on,e I have a moment dedicated to this activity...but more importantly...have you ever had the opportunity to hang out with geeks? They are a veritable fountain, a cornucopia as it were, of trivial information, ridiculous websites, and strange videos. And I'm sitting, at this moment, at their epicenter.
God is Good!
I Love It Here at:
Friday, March 06, 2009
Renegade knitters wreaking havoc on the frigid Canadian streets.
I tried to get pictures, but they wouldn't work. Fiber coated for protection, no doubt.
You'll have to read about their rampage here. (With horrifyingly knitty pics.)
I've Got Yarn and Needles...L'ville May Be Next at:
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Jesus Is My Friend by Sonseed
Well...I'm sure you've seen this.
But, on the remote chance that you haven't...I just wanted to bless you.
You're Welcome at:
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Mel Gibson's New Movie!
You WON'T believe this...
Is this Mel's acting comeback moment?
I simply post. You decide!
I Can't Even Think Of An Appropriate Tag For This at:
These Are Trippin' Photos

365 degrees on a polar axis.
And no, I don't have any idea how they did it, thank you for asking.
But I'm a-lovin' it!
There's the story and slide show to 20+ other Wee Planets Pics.
Would That Angle Make Me Look Fat? at:
The Rapid Duax stapler
I don't why this fascinates me while also making me laugh. Would you call that ironic, or am I simply pitifully shallow?
Actually I'm hoping that someone will play it backwards and find a secret hypnotic message so my strange attraction to this scary clip won't be considered my fault.
Why am I sending it to you? Because it told me to. Not in so many words...but I just felt...compelled.
In This Case, I'd Really Like To Be a Victim at:
Happy Square Root Day

It's not just for geeks anymore! Even you, a regular person, can celebrate!
It only happens nine times during each century.
Put it on your calendar! The next one is April 4, 2016.
There's even a Facebook group and an article.
Remember Pi Day is Coming in a Week and a Half (3-14)
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Another Chapter in the "What Was God Thinking" book

His name is Ugly Bat Boy, of course.
But, according to the article, he's really a sweetheart. The article then goes on to say, "The impression from clients that come in is he's not real because he just sits so still, and when he does move, he scares them, but they think he's mesmerizing...He has the run of the place and all the attention he can handle."
Let's recap: Sits perfectly still, scares people and/or mesmerizes them. Smells of sulfer. Of course he has the run of the place...why would anyone try to get in the way of a cat that has obviously been sent from Hades?
I'd Give Him Extra Food Just In Case at:
I'm Supposed to Be Working...
I only have one question for these incredibly creative and talented college students: Are you even attending all?
Sounding Like the Old College Instructor That I Was at:
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Red vs. Blue Financial Crisis PSA: Rock Bottom
This is one of Megh's favorite "cartoons." It's built from characters from Halo...I think.
This will be a proverbial knee-slapper to those immersed in the Halo subculture of delinquints. (I am only guilty by, as an astute reader will realize I don't know where the characters are from or any other useful info. For that, you had better call Meghan.
For the rest of you: consider me your Cultural Educator. (You're welcome.)
I'd Be Splitting a Gut if I Were Under the Age of 20 at:
It's Saturday...
Since I am here and it's Saturday and I'm trying to avoid ruining my reputation by being productive, let me share some time wasting links with you.
Here's one that Kevin has watched at least 4 times. Why? Possibly for the freakish athletics, or perhaps it's the inspiring music...but for me, I so tensed up watching these madmen that I feel like I've done a whole work out in a few short minutes. Virtual Exercising, my favorite! Especially on a Saturday!
Everything is Possible - The best bloopers are here
Here's one Kevin hasn't even seen: It's a dude who does regular sports with his nunchucks. And it's from Japan! So you know it'll be Absolutely! Japana-crazy!
I Want My Own Set of Special Skills That Don't Have Anything to do With Laundry or Dishes at:
Thursday, February 26, 2009
T-Mobile Advert
This is one of those viral improv things...It made me smile and because of that I wanted to share it with you.
It's The Little
Not To Bring You Down Or Anything...
And my neighbor just delivered Girl Scout Cookies.
Oh The Cruel, Cruel Irony at:
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
The Japanese Should Surrender...Again

Frankly, this is disturbing on many levels. But let's just stick with the obvious: this little creature is categorically ugly.
If you don't recognize him, it's the only known member of the appropriately named genus Heterocephalus. You may have heard his more common names: the sand puppy or the naked mole rat as made famous by Disney's cartoon "Kim Possible."
Here is Rufus the Naked Mole Rat showing off his mad skills:

And Rufus was as lethal as he looks. Many an afternoon were happily spent, Meghan curled up beside me, a Diet Coke in hand, watching naked, so-ugly-he's-cute Rufus help Kim conquer the mad geniuses that threatened Middleton in the Emmy award-winning show (It was nominated 10 times and won once).
But this...the real live rodent with the Freudian name...this just shows that God's sense of humor is possibly more disturbing than we...than I...originally thought.
Actually, using my own opinion in a way that someone (meaning "Meghan") might consider it as "expert opinion," the heterocephalus glaber proves that there must be a creator...because, could you evolve into such a little beastie and count it as a step up?
And, leave to Japan to fall in love with the creepy little guy. You can read more about his meteoric rise here. May I remind you that this is the same group of people who invented sushi. But that's not all...Take a look at more results of too much saki and bait.
Look here.
And for even more stuff that you can actually buy, look here.
I shudder to think of what the new line of "naked mole rat" robots and video games will look like at:
Saturday, February 21, 2009
High Five Escalator
It's NOT just for bored college students anymore!
It's Improv Everywhere! And it's a whole new human art form that can suck HOURS out of your day!
My Fav is Still the Slo-Mo Home Depot at:
38 Cute Animals, 1 Cool Screen, 8 Different Uses
There's a cell phone in each scene. Can you find it?
Yes, I AM avoiding my THINGS I SHOULD DO RIGHT NOW list. Why do you ask?
Finding Yet Another Way to Not Be An Adult at:
Monday, February 16, 2009
President's Day 2009 - Washington to Obama: Morphed!
I wanted to post the Animaniac's "President Song" but I just did that (*smack'm da'forehead*).
So here's the presidents morphed to perky, disco-type patriotic music!
It's history! With a Polyester Dance Beat! at:
Darwin Vs. Liberals
From a program called "For the Record."
Interesting logic.
Good Graphics.
I give it a 9.5.
Darwin's Birthday: A Potential Liberal Pain at:
Saturday, February 14, 2009
My Kind Of Culture

Note the Old Lady in the middle of the picture. She is sticking her tongue out at the little girl. According to the article, sticking your tongue out at people is a traditional Tibetan greeting. The article didn't say what you might do if you actually liked the person...but as far as traditional greetings go, this has to be one of my favorites.
Me Thinks There's a Little Tibetan in All of Us (Especially ME! Today!) at: