Sunday, December 28, 2008

Holiday Cheer? I THINK NOT!

I am stressed. It's as a direct result of a To Do List. It is a large list. One might consider it massive. I tried to guiltify my mom and sister into helping me work on said list, however, my mother...a wise woman but unaware of her duty to her grown children...refused saying (and I quote), "It won't matter, you'll add more to it faster than we can accomplish." I ask you, dear reader, what good is a mother if she won't help you maintain your co-dependent ways?

Frankly I would be a lot better off if I lacked the needus-to-accomplish gene that produces this incessant need to make lists of all the things one thinks of that needs doing in one's life and the lives of those around one.

My husband, Kevin, before he was my husband, almost didn't reach husband status because he made fun of my list-making. "Made fun" here means to post ridiculous things like "go to the bathroom" and "breathe" on my "Things To Do To Graduate" List back in the '80s.

OK…I know…so my list is long and isn’t getting any shorter during this whinefest. So what am I going to do about it?

I think I shall do three things:

1) I shall check my email.
2) I shall compose it on a scrap of paper and shove it into my cavernous purse.
3) I shall offer you an interesting video that I just found while pretending to work on the aforementioned list.

Sigh ...It’s a list about a list concerning lists. I might be hopeless…
Here’s the video I promised.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now I have seen it all... interpretive juggling!
I have now seen it all and am content to die...