And my co-op "friends" keep reminding me how many days before Christmas ("How Many Days Before Christmas" here means they take great joy in viciously keeping track of how fast said days are evaporating! But just know that I'm NOT going to display a banner that says painful things like "Did you know there's only 38 days before Christmas and you're not ready" before you had enough Diet Coke with which to cope with such stressful news. Personally, I use Diet Coke to deal with many of life's stressful announcements like, "I have to go out of town," and "It's Monday," and "It's morning." Another "stress" is the people who have been living in my basement have, in the last several days, moved out, which, for some inexplicable reason immediately caused the upstairs of my house to totally blow out ("blow out" here means laundry bombs bursting, dog hair regeneration experiments gone bad, and spontaneously generated dirty dishes randomly appearing all over the kitchen) and I can't clean it yet because I have two gnarly deadlines and Christmas is barreling down at me (I realize this, as previously mentioned because of my helpful "pals"!
So...I must give you some other curiosities so as to fill your cranium void with useless information until I have a moment (hopefully in a few days) do accomplish the task personally.
The Ebay Find of the Day:

It started at $500. It sold for $226,521.
Read about it here.Second:
The Question of the Day...

Is this real or is it Photoshop?
Check out the National Geographic (Motto: We Said It So It Must Be True) article
And finally:
Keep Track of How Old The Internet Is.Serving Me Up a Boatload of Blogging Junk Food...You Don't Have To Thank Me at:
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