Easter Passion practice has started for the tech crew. I have been sucked into, I mean
had the opportunity to help put microphones on the performers before the show starts and then help take them off after they finish. I have been brought in to assist the girls because apparently it is better to have a girl grabbing up through a costume of a girl than having a non-girl do it (even if the non-girl is WAY better at it and actually knows what it is doing).
So, I arrive around 5pm and hang out in the intriguing geekdom of mic-land. Once all the girlies are wired, I run ("running" here is an utter misnomer) upstairs to clean up the tech break room and get it ready for dinner. (They wisely feed the cameramen and spotlight operators
after the show because they don't want sleepy technical people using very expensive equipment.)
At the 3/4 point I run back downstairs to help take the mics off the girls. When done, back upstairs I go to eat and help clean the break room.
But right in the middle...Right here where I am now...nothing's happening. The water jugs are filled, the food isn't here yet. The actors are singing and if there is a mic problem, it's beyond my ability to fix it...so I'm joyfullyexempt.
It'll be during these times each that you will be getting a lot of pointless things from me because...well, number on,e I have a moment dedicated to this activity...but more importantly...have you ever had the opportunity to hang out with geeks? They are a veritable fountain, a cornucopia as it were, of trivial information, ridiculous websites, and strange videos. And I'm sitting, at this moment, at their epicenter.
God is Good!
I Love It Here at: marcyjoybryan@gmail.com