This is one of Megh's favorite "cartoons." It's built from characters from Halo...I think.
This will be a proverbial knee-slapper to those immersed in the Halo subculture of delinquints. (I am only guilty by, as an astute reader will realize I don't know where the characters are from or any other useful info. For that, you had better call Meghan.
For the rest of you: consider me your Cultural Educator. (You're welcome.)
I'd Be Splitting a Gut if I Were Under the Age of 20 at:
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Red vs. Blue Financial Crisis PSA: Rock Bottom
It's Saturday...
Since I am here and it's Saturday and I'm trying to avoid ruining my reputation by being productive, let me share some time wasting links with you.
Here's one that Kevin has watched at least 4 times. Why? Possibly for the freakish athletics, or perhaps it's the inspiring music...but for me, I so tensed up watching these madmen that I feel like I've done a whole work out in a few short minutes. Virtual Exercising, my favorite! Especially on a Saturday!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
T-Mobile Advert
This is one of those viral improv things...It made me smile and because of that I wanted to share it with you.
It's The Little
Not To Bring You Down Or Anything...
And my neighbor just delivered Girl Scout Cookies.
Oh The Cruel, Cruel Irony at:
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
The Japanese Should Surrender...Again

Frankly, this is disturbing on many levels. But let's just stick with the obvious: this little creature is categorically ugly.
If you don't recognize him, it's the only known member of the appropriately named genus Heterocephalus. You may have heard his more common names: the sand puppy or the naked mole rat as made famous by Disney's cartoon "Kim Possible."
Here is Rufus the Naked Mole Rat showing off his mad skills:

And Rufus was as lethal as he looks. Many an afternoon were happily spent, Meghan curled up beside me, a Diet Coke in hand, watching naked, so-ugly-he's-cute Rufus help Kim conquer the mad geniuses that threatened Middleton in the Emmy award-winning show (It was nominated 10 times and won once).
But this...the real live rodent with the Freudian name...this just shows that God's sense of humor is possibly more disturbing than we...than I...originally thought.
Actually, using my own opinion in a way that someone (meaning "Meghan") might consider it as "expert opinion," the heterocephalus glaber proves that there must be a creator...because, could you evolve into such a little beastie and count it as a step up?
And, leave to Japan to fall in love with the creepy little guy. You can read more about his meteoric rise here. May I remind you that this is the same group of people who invented sushi. But that's not all...Take a look at more results of too much saki and bait.
Look here.
And for even more stuff that you can actually buy, look here.
I shudder to think of what the new line of "naked mole rat" robots and video games will look like at:
Saturday, February 21, 2009
High Five Escalator
It's NOT just for bored college students anymore!
It's Improv Everywhere! And it's a whole new human art form that can suck HOURS out of your day!
My Fav is Still the Slo-Mo Home Depot at:
38 Cute Animals, 1 Cool Screen, 8 Different Uses
There's a cell phone in each scene. Can you find it?
Yes, I AM avoiding my THINGS I SHOULD DO RIGHT NOW list. Why do you ask?
Finding Yet Another Way to Not Be An Adult at:
Monday, February 16, 2009
President's Day 2009 - Washington to Obama: Morphed!
I wanted to post the Animaniac's "President Song" but I just did that (*smack'm da'forehead*).
So here's the presidents morphed to perky, disco-type patriotic music!
It's history! With a Polyester Dance Beat! at:
Darwin Vs. Liberals
From a program called "For the Record."
Interesting logic.
Good Graphics.
I give it a 9.5.
Darwin's Birthday: A Potential Liberal Pain at:
Saturday, February 14, 2009
My Kind Of Culture

Note the Old Lady in the middle of the picture. She is sticking her tongue out at the little girl. According to the article, sticking your tongue out at people is a traditional Tibetan greeting. The article didn't say what you might do if you actually liked the person...but as far as traditional greetings go, this has to be one of my favorites.
Me Thinks There's a Little Tibetan in All of Us (Especially ME! Today!) at:
Friday, February 13, 2009
This Is Me Today
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Adorably Slow News Day

"Dreamy the Dormouse" is, in fact a wild rodent who was dug up by a dog in the middle of hibernation. The people who saved it from the dog decided to rip out the center of a rose and shove the sleeping Muscardinus avellanarius in so that they could get this photo.
Read the riveting example of British journalism here.
Cruelty to animals? Unnatural meanness to plants? Or Just a Slow News Day in England.
You decide. I don't care...I'm captivated by the little guys AWWwwwwwwwwwwwsomeness.
I Would Have Done The Same Thing at:
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Zen and the Art of Potato Peeling
Growing up we used a rickety peeler:

Its tiny frame and wobbly blade belied its deadliness…I still bear the marks of its razor sharp edge finding my own skin rather than the potato’s. Note that “it finding” here means that I believe that rickety peeler was demon possessed. I mean, look at it...It just screams...and it does so using the same chords as heard in that classic documentary on bed and breakfasts called “Psycho.”
But the KitchenAid Euro-peeler is a beast:
A handsome, fat handle and large blade set into an arcing frame. This is a peeler to make potatoes shudder…it makes them bow to the power of its sturdy girth…nay… it makes the potato practically peel itself!
So I’m standing at my kitchen sink, peeling Yukon Gold (or rather watching the potato jump out of its skin as I wave my manly KitchenAid Euro-peeler threateningly nearby) and I realize:
I was thoroughly enjoying peeling potatoes.
The fire was blazing, it was cold outside, Meghan was working on a project, Kevin was on his way home, Libby was laying at my feet and drooling, Peanut was laying under the still up artificial Christmas tree, and Fluffy the Hamster was still frozen…and I was…
But it was more than that. It was the pleasant, unforced contentedness of simply being…of taking a task and accomplishing it with capable tools and with ease…and seeing that it was good. Of watching my daughter moving in her gift of creating videos and knowing that it (and she) is good. Of a grateful heart for a husband who works hard in his gifting and who gladly provides (in God) pleasant surroundings in which I can peel my potato and realizing that he is good. And, deep down, resting in the glow of my Creator who made me to enjoy work and being and mothering and wifing and worshiping and being completely sure that he is utterly good.
I realize that there is flawed theology in that last paragraph. Please don’t burst my contented bubble this week….
because PMS arrives next week.
I am,
Currently Contented and Hormonally Stable
Monday, February 09, 2009
Alice in Wonderland, Amazing Remix
This trippy remix is totally unintelligible but very addicting...which makes it perfect for a Monday...(or early Tuesday, if you are me...but who's counting?)
Feel free to listen again and again.
And then let me know what you think.
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Quest for G - Beware The JabbaWockeez
This is mostly funny because it patterns "Monty Python and the Holy Grail."
Or maybe it's funny because I'm a retro-geek.
But this really cracks me up.
For a ten minute Monty Python-esque laugh check the longer version out at:
Warning: This Might Incite True Nerd Anger at:
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
It's a Slow News Day In the U.K.

It's the Infamous Tree That Grew In the Shape of a Chicken.
Read the riveting reporting from our brothers across the Pond here.
All We Have Is Obamamania at:
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
I'm Not Cryin'
Get past the blonde's drivel at the beginning and witness some of the most eye-watering music from "New Zealand's fourth most popular guitar-based digi-bongo acapella-rap-funk-comedy folk duo."
It's almost worth the waste of time.
I'm Still Laughing at:
Helvetica--the Movie
This film, about a font (a.k.a. "typeface") is strangely captivating and amazing to me.
I think I need to get out more.
Help Me or Join Me at:
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Let Me Direct Your Attention
Plus there are pictures!
It's another way to waste time while pretending to care about someone you know.
I'd Do It For You at: